The Distress Centre is here for you!
It may be that you found your way to our website through a search, a referral, or you've heard or seen an ad that peaked your interest, it may be that you're looking for someone to talk to - someone who is unbiased and non-judgmental and who will listen to you.
If this is the case, know that that we are here for you. Please take a moment to read about the various services offered by the Distress Centre, to choose which is the best option for you.
How do I know if I'm in distress or in crisis? Who do I call?
Distress Line Regions
Crisis Line Regions
Who calls the Distress Centre?
You do! As does your family, your friend, your colleague, your neighbour, the person sitting next to you in the movie theatre, the stranger sitting across from you on the bus, the kid in your university class, your former teacher, the person you see on television – everyone counts on us during challenging times. The need may not be here today or tomorrow, but being available for our community when they need us most is our main priority. Our phones are answered by a supportive and caring individual, ready to listen and support. People of all ages, races, genders and social economic groups use our confidential services, and you can too.
DCOR is committed to providing fully accessible telephone service to its clients through the distress/crisis lines and to the public in general through its office lines. Staff and volunteers will be trained to communicate by telephone in clear and plain language, speaking clearly. Where appropriate, clients and the public in general will be offered the Bell Relay Service through which people who are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing or those with speech disabilities can communicate.
Calls answered in 20220
years supporting the community0
volunteers here to listenHaving a hard time coping?
It's okay to not be okay. We're here for you.
Click the button to call us at 613-238-3311.